• 20 Tried-And-True Ways New Businesses Can Attract Local Attention?

    Support Local School Teams And Clubs “Having been in business more than 60 years, we’re deeply involved in our community. We’ve found that supporting local high school teams and clubs is a win-win. We feel good that the schools get the funds they need and our name is familiar when it comes time to hire […]

  • TDEC Passes IRS 4812

    TDEC is pleased to share that we have been assessed and passed the review for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) 4812, allowing us to be part of a network of providers and third parties that support the IRS in managing sensitive financial data. The designation reflects our compliance with security requirements and best practices for […]

  • Leverage LinkedIn Polls And Queries

    In recent years, LinkedIn has become the premiere platform for business leaders to connect with like-minded professionals across industries. LinkedIn is a great tool for networking and sharing ideas, but it can be discouraging to post or reach out and not get any engagement. While it can be difficult to know which strategies will boost […]

  • TDEC Caps off a Year of Continued Success by Announcing Multiple Contract Awards

    TDEC Caps off a Year of Continued Success by Announcing Multiple Contract Awards Company closes the year with sustained growth and new contract awards to provide efficient, professional services support OAKLAND, Md. — February 3, 2025 —The Data Entry Company (TDEC), a leading provider of business process services, is celebrating a year of continued success, […]

  • Strategies For Handling Surges In Business

    Business is synonymous with experiencing ups and downs, yet sudden surges can leave even the strongest organizations struggling. If the current consumer lending trends are a sign of things to come, and if your business trends with them, let this be your heads-up to prepare. I have found that by planning for early reach-back support, companies can […]

  • TDEC Awarded OASIS+ HUBZone Set-Aside Contract

    Company receives GSA award demonstrating TDEC’s strength in providing enhanced professional services across the management and advisory domain.   The Data Entry Company (TDEC), a leading provider of cost-effective solutions for business process services, was named an awardee for the General Services Administration’s (GSA) One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Services Plus (OASIS+) contract. TDEC was […]

  • 19 Major Impacts AI Is Having On The Healthcare Industry

    Artificial intelligence has had a significant impact on the healthcare industry, specifically in the ways businesses and providers operate and deliver care. From streamlining administrative tasks to improving patient care with data-driven insights, there are numerous outcomes that have only become possible with the evolution of AI. Below, the members of Forbes Business Council share […]

  • We Continue to Deliver for The Department of Labor

    TDEC Extends U.S. Department of Labor Relationship with Dallas Office Mail Clerk Task Order   TDEC has been awarded a base-year task order with four one-year options with the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Dallas office. Under this task order, TDEC will provide mail clerks to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and […]

  • TDEC and Serco Support $238 Million Follow-on Award for Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, a U.S. Government Agency

    AUGUST 27, 2024, OAKLAND, MD:  TDEC (The Data Entry Company), a leading business process service provider for decision-ready information, announced that it has been awarded a subcontract from Serco, Inc. to provide customer support services for the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). Serco’s contract, awarded under a recompete earlier this year, is worth a potential […]

  • Guidelines for Federal Records Management Offer Best Practices for All Record Digitization

    As the federal government moves to implement the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) rules for digitizing documents for long-term record keeping, state governments and commercial entities can reap the benefits by using NARA guidelines as best practices. As one of only 34 contractors certified in NARA-Compliant Digitization Services for Federal Records on the GSA […]

  • TDEC Awarded Bureau of Land Management Contract for Data Entry Support Services

    Program monitors compliance to Federal energy initiatives OAKLAND, Md.—June 18, 2024—TDEC (The Data Entry Company), a leading provider of cost-effective solutions for labor-intensive business process services, was awarded a task order from the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), National Operations Center (NOC) Division of Business Services (DBS) for energy and data management support. The BLM […]

  • TDEC History: 20M Microfilm Records Digitized for INS

    A recent Twitter/X post from U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Service (USCIS) caused several TDEC stalwarts to take a trip down Memory Lane with respect to a 2-year project it had done for the predecessor agency Immigration & Naturalization Service (INS). By the end of the 20th century, the INS had maintained millions of immigrant and […]

  • TDEC Awarded U.S. Office of Personnel Management Task Order for Support Services

    Oakland, MD–January 18, 2023:  The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently awarded TDEC a task order for services off of GSA Schedule GS-03F-021DA to provide personnel security administrative support. OPM’s Office of Facilities, Security, and Emergency Management (FSEM) Personnel Security division initiates and provides adjudicative services for Suitability and National Security Background investigations as […]

  • TDEC Adds Background Investigation Services to its GSA Schedule

    Oakland, MD – July 19, 2022: The General Services Administration (GSA) recently approved TDEC’s application to add Background Investigation Services (SIN 561611) to its existing GSA Multiple Award Schedule (GS-03F-021DA). Specifically, TDEC will be able to provide a variety of background investigations of persons for Federal Government purposes (including employment). With this addition, TDEC becomes […]

  • TDEC Awarded Department of Labor Task Order for Support Services

    June 6, 2022 — Oakland, MD:  The Department of Labor (DOL) announced the award of a GSA Schedule Task Order worth $41M to TDEC to provide National Operational Support Services (NOSS) to the Office of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP) and the Wage and Hour Division (WHD). The NOSS program supports the processing of compensation claims […]

  • TDEC to Staff & Operate Mail Room for Fish & Wildlife Service Office

    Oakland, MD – May 17, 2022: TDEC was awarded a task order to provide full-time staffing to operate mail services for the Northwest Regional Office of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. “TDEC is excited to both expand our mailroom service contracts as well as our work with the Fish and Wildlife Service,” said TDEC […]

  • TDEC Provides to State Tax Agencies What the IRS Needs to Resolve Its Paper Returns Backlog

    While the regular tax filing season ended last Monday, the hard work of tax processing slogs on for the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The chronically underfunded, understaffed government agency is already behind in processing past year tax returns. With millions of new returns now added to its workload, the IRS is overtaxed. Among the many […]

  • TDEC Awarded Blanket Purchase Agreement with Bureau of Land Management

    November 16, 2021 – TDEC was named as one of multiple contractors awarded a Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) for the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to organize, digitize and index range records for its Nevada State Office. There are millions of records requiring digitization and organization. These services, if ordered, will be performed onsite at […]

  • TDEC Providing Postage Meters to Oklahoma National Guard

    November 8, 2021: TDEC was awarded a one-year task order (plus four option years) to deliver and provide mailing equipment to the Oklahoma Army National Guard to process outgoing mail. The task order includes rental services with applicable maintenance, service, and repair for equipment at multiple locations. This task order was procured through TDEC’s GSA Multiple […]

  • TDEC Awarded Coveted Spot on SeaPort Next Generation Contract Vehicle

    August 19, 2021: As part of a competitive process, TDEC was recently awarded a SeaPort Next Generation multiple-award contract by the U.S. Navy, allowing the company to compete for task orders across 23 functional areas, including project management support services. These contracts have a 2.5-year base period of performance with an additional five-year ordering period […]

  • TDEC to Staff Mail Room for Social Security Regional Office

    May 17, 2021: TDEC was awarded a task order to provide full-time staffing for mail and administrative services to the Denver regional office of the Social Security Administration, including the Office of Regional Commissioner, Office of Quality Review, Office of General Counsel and Office of Inspector General. This latest task order was procured through TDEC’s […]

  • TDEC to Staff Mail Clerk for DOL OASAM Regional Office

    TDEC was awarded a task order to provide staffing for mail and administrative services to the Chicago regional office of the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management (OASAM) of the Department of Labor. This latest task order was procured through TDEC’s GSA Multiple Award Schedule (MAS) #GS-03F-021DA SIN 561499M Mail Management, Systems, Processing […]

  • GRSi Selects TDEC for California National Guard Digitization Project

    TDEC, a leading provider of Business Process Outsourcing services, was recently awarded a subcontract by GRSi, a Maryland-based technology innovations company, to provide services for the California Army National Guard (CAARNG) Digitization Project.

  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Chooses TDEC for Digitization Project

    Oakland, Maryland – October 6, 2020:  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) selected TDEC to digitize, index and output to PDF a collection of documents from its West Virginia field office. At approximately 72,000 pieces, the collection consists of maps, drawings, books, and both loose and bound documents, all of varying sizes. This 6-month […]

  • Are you ready?

    The ravaging wildfires in the West and devastating floods in the South are jarring reminders of how our daily lives can be upended swiftly. As we have seen and read in recent days, people in these impacted areas have had to react and evacuate without adequate time to prepare. This should serve as our collective […]

  • Hurricane Preparedness

    TDEC is a designated Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, an initiative of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to improve our nation’s readiness, responsiveness, and resiliency to extreme weather events. As part of our commitment, we will share emergency weather preparedness tips with you. First up: Tropical Storms and Hurricanes. With tropical storm Laura bearing down […]

  • TDEC is Designated a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™

    In March, TDEC was named a Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) Ambassador™, a NOAA initiative to create a network of committed partners to improve “the nation’s readiness, responsiveness, and overall resilience against extreme weather, water, and climate events.” Somewhat simultaneous to notification of our WRN Ambassador designation, the coronavirus pandemic hit. TDEC, along with everyone else, got […]

  • 5 Questions to Ready Your Business for Remote Document Access

    The COVID-19 pandemic and its resulting stay-at-home orders has put the need to access company documents while working remotely front and center for employers; and this need will not disappear as restrictions are eased.

  • TDEC Opens Office in New Jersey

    Bethesda, Maryland – February 26, 2020.  TDEC, a leading provider of business process outsourcing services, opened its newest office this month in Robbinsville, New Jersey to handle its growing data entry, document management and related services. “We are excited to set up shop in Robbinsville because of its proximity to our existing customers and the […]

  • TDEC Wins Award for NJ Tax Data Entry Contract

    Bethesda, Maryland – January 7, 2020: The New Jersey Department of the Treasury’s Division of Revenue and Enterprise Services (DORES) awarded a multi-year contract for its tax data entry/verification services to TDEC following a formal public procurement process. Since September 2011, TDEC performed data entry and verification of more than 1.4 million state tax returns annually maintaining […]

  • Maryland and U.S. Army Extend Their Work with TDEC

    Bethesda, Maryland – October 1, 2019: There’s no greater praise for TDEC than a returning client or two. In the past month, TDEC has been granted a one-year extension of its already 6-year contract with the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH) providing claims data entry services.   Likewise, TDEC, as the incumbent, won […]

  • Case Study: Traffic Agency Quickly Rids A Year’s Backlog of Crash Reports by Outsourcing Data Entry

    TDEC staff entered 200K crash reports for client Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) completely clearing the backlog before the contract’s end date. READ the full case study here.

  • A Case for Paper-Based Email List-Building

    Email marketing is a numbers game. The bigger your list, the bigger your results. For example, if you get a 5% return on your list of 5,000, 250 people will respond. Assuming a $30 average transactional value, that’s $7,500 in sales. Double your list size, and your sales uplift from email club members is now […]

  • Westat Selects TDEC for Early Childhood Study Support

    Bethesda, MD,  February 12, 2019 – TDEC, a leading provider of Business Process Outsourcing services, was recently re-awarded a sub-contract by Westat, Inc., a Bethesda-based research company, to provide support to its data collection in the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS). The ECLS Study, initiated by the Department of Education, provides important information on children’s early […]

  • TDEC Awarded Data Entry Contract with Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning

    Bethesda, MD, January 24, 2019 -The Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) has awarded TDEC a contract to provide data entry of Illinois crash reports. A backlog of approximately 170,000 crash reports will be keyed in the four-month period of performance. “CMAP needed a company who could perform this work accurately and quickly,” said TDEC President […]

  • TDEC Awarded Two Task Orders to Support the Department of Labor

    Bethesda, Maryland – January 17, 2019: TDEC, a leading provider of Business Process Outsourcing services, has been awarded two task orders by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) through TDEC’s GSA Schedule 36 contract. Tackling an Application Backlog for the Wage and Hour Division The DOL Wage and Hour Division (WHD) administers and enforces a […]

  • TDEC Opens New Office in the ‘Heart of Southwest Virginia’

    Bethesda, MD – November 13, 2018: TDEC, a leading provider of Business Process Outsourcing services has opened a new office for its expanding data entry services in Lebanon, VA, the “Heart of Southwest Virginia,” which also serves as the county seat for Russell County. “We are excited to set up shop in Lebanon,” TDEC President Dennis […]

  • GSA Awards TDEC a Professional Services Schedule (PSS) 00CORP

    Bethesda, MD, September 4, 2018 -The General Services Administration (GSA) awarded TDEC a Professional Services Schedule contract (00CORP) to perform services under Special Item Number (SIN) 874-7 Integrated Business Program Support Services. Under this schedule contract, TDEC will be able to provide mission oriented business support services. 00CORP is GSA’s third largest schedule with nearly […]

  • Orange County Selects TDEC for Vital Records Data Entry

    Bethesda, MD, August 7, 2018 –The Orange County Clerk of Courts (OCCC) has awarded TDEC a contract to annotate Marriage License images so they can be quickly searched and retrieved. “Right now, these historical marriage licenses aren’t digitally searchable,” said TDEC President R. Dennis DuFour. “Through this contract, we will be able to eliminate a […]

  • Columbus AFB Selects TDEC for Official Mail Center Operations

    Bethesda, MD – April 24, 2018: TDEC has been awarded a multi-year task order to provide Official Mail Center Operations services to the Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi. The host unit at Columbus is the 14th Flying Training Wing assigned to the Air Education and Training Command. TDEC associates are responsible for receiving, processing, […]

  • Greater Job Detail = Better Value in Document Scanning

    In our earlier blog, “Outsourcing Document Scanning: How to Get the Best Price from the Most Qualified Vendor,” we explored the level of detail that a bidder needs in order to provide accurate turnaround times and pricing.  To emphasize that point, contrast these two scenarios: In the first scenario, the contents of the box are […]

  • Outsourcing Document Scanning: How To Get The Best Price From The Most Qualified Vendor

    With a little more than a month until the end of the Federal Government’s fiscal year, agencies are stepping up their efforts – via the GSA Schedule – to spend their budgeted dollars. We have seen considerable activity in the document scanning space within the GSA Schedule 36. With limited time and budget, how can […]

  • TDEC Earns Master Contract on Maryland’s CATS+

    Bethesda, MD, May 18, 2017: TDEC earned a master contract on Maryland’s Consulting and Technical Services + (CATS+) contract. The contract, which runs through 2028, allows state agencies to procure services efficiently and cost effectively through individual task orders. The State uses this contract to procure IT services across 17 functional areas. TDEC was added […]

  • TDEC Awarded Large Scale Scanning Contract with NHLBI

    Bethesda, MD, May 18, 2017 – TDEC has been awarded an 18-month contract to digitize a collection of up to 1.7 million pages for the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NHLBI’s off-campus site is moving to new office space at the end of 2017. In preparation, […]

  • OPM Awards TDEC with HUBZone Sole Source Contract

    The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Facilities, Security, and Emergency Management – Personnel Division (FSEM-PS) recently awarded a Personnel Security Administrative Support contract for one year with 4 one year options to TDEC.

  • TDEC Earns ISO 9001:2008 Certification for Quality Management

    TDEC was recently awarded the ISO’s highest quality management systems certification, ISO 9001:2008, after a thorough assessment by BSI, an independent third party registrar accredited by ANAB.

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