Lisa Flynn, CF APMP

As proposal director, Lisa is responsible for leading bid teams through the proposal development process. She is certified (CF APMP) by and an active member of the Association of Proposal Management Professionals. Lisa earned her B.A. at the University of Rhode Island.


Alyssa Kastelic

Alyssa is TDEC’s HR Supervisor. With more than 10 years of experience, Alyssa manages staff and establishes efficient, effective and business-aligned HR programs. Alyssa is responsible for benefits, compliance, staffing, and all other HR processes across the organization.


Denis Lyatkin

Denis is responsible for the implementation and security of all our TDEC IT and is instrumental in the development of advanced software applications used by our production teams on a daily basis. He uses his expertise in the IT field and his liaison with the clients to bring projects to successful production. Denis holds a […]