GRSi Selects TDEC for California National Guard Digitization Project

TDEC, a leading provider of Business Process Outsourcing services, was recently awarded a subcontract by GRSi, a Maryland-based technology innovations company, to provide services for the California Army National Guard (CAARNG) Digitization Project.


U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Chooses TDEC for Digitization Project

Oakland, Maryland – October 6, 2020:  The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) selected TDEC to digitize, index and output to PDF a collection of documents from its West Virginia field office. At approximately 72,000 pieces, the collection consists of maps, drawings, books, and both loose and bound documents, all of varying sizes. This 6-month […]


Hurricane Preparedness

TDEC is a designated Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador, an initiative of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to improve our nation’s readiness, responsiveness, and resiliency to extreme weather events. As part of our commitment, we will share emergency weather preparedness tips with you. First up: Tropical Storms and Hurricanes. With tropical storm Laura bearing down […]